Scrolls 30-31: Opus Sectile

This template is based on another early period Roman mosaic floor with an opus sectile geometric pattern. Hooray for straight lines!

I started with the “teeth” on the first one to give me a sense of how much detail I was going to be able to cram into those spaces.

As with previous scrolls, different color choices on the same template can dramatically affect the overall mood of the scroll. I used a ruler in the beginning with all of those lines, but they were short enough that I was able to draw them much faster overall without it and still maintain quality.

I used the Roman Rustic hand, which dates back to 1st-6th century.

Side note: Between the creation of these two scrolls, I got a light table upgrade! My original one was made by a friend and served me well, but leaning over it was getting hard on my neck and back. The new one tilts up! Set at the middle tilt on a waist height cabinet, it definitely helps, though I still have to lean over a bit so I might put something under it to raise it up a bit. I could also increase the angle, but am not sure if that would risk the ink or paint running. I’ll have to experiment with it.

Materials: Printer, light table, 8″x10″ pergamenata, ruler, Ames lettering guide, pencil, eraser, micron pen, Speedball Super Black ink, dip pen, gouache, gold paint